Thursday, August 31, 2006
Thursday, August 24, 2006
I feel sexy when...
...I am wearing matching socks. That day is not today.
I annihilated my previous high score in Space Ball on my phone by 300 points this morning. I think the tides might be changing. I hope so. I have decided to stop looking for houses for a little while. We have a back up that comes through in October, might wait for that. This decision is important for my sanity. I hope we don't get kicked out.
We are going to see Aussie on Saturday. The lady on the phone was absolutely lovely. I feel bad that we will probably just be wasting her time. Buying a house is well over a year away for us, I will be sure to go back to her then though.
We grocery shopped last night, it gives me such a thrill to have a full stock pantry. We spend $140 on food but this lasts us around 3 weeks. By this reckoning $50 should last us a week but it never does. It lasts around 2/3 days because shopping like that is shite. It doesn't work for us. It has taken a while but we finally cracked the code. Shop our arses off and buy everything we can think of. WAHLA!
Our tomato plant overfloweth. We have more than we need so if any one needs some lovely organic, pesticide free tomatos - we're your people. The strawberry is rockin'. We are going to have pancakes with lemon juice and strawberries on them on Saturday. I cannot wait.
We bought a couch and an outdoor setting last week. Very funny considering we don't have a house to put them into yet. The couch is order and is being scotchguarded and whatnot so we probably wont be getting it for around 2 months anyway.
Not moving now means we can afford to pay the deposit on the powerhouse which we will be doing in the next week. I'm nervous in case i find somewhere better later but the powerhouse is awesome and I know it will go off. I looked long and hard, there is nowhere better. Now we just need to find a place for the ceremony.
I'm rambling (sorry rick) so I will be off now.
Peace Out.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Viva La Revolution
I'm down on society. We can't find a home. People are meat wads.
We are going to see a mortgage broker on Saturday even though I don't think they will want to give us any money.
I don't want to rent a shit box but the real estate's seem to think that's all we deserve. I hate you rich fuckers.
We are going to buy a unit and I'm going to black and white checkered tiles everywhere, it will be awesome.
We almost won Oz Lotto last night, but didn't.
I really want to get through this crap and go back to normal. I have packed our life into boxes but we still don't have anywhere to go. Cut us some slack.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Untitled one point oh
Everything in life is defeating me at the moment and I am so over it. We can't find a house unless it is the size of a matchbox with mildew covering every wall. We can't get the more expensive place because the cocksmokers who earn $1000 a week are getting priority on those even through we can easily pay for them, our references check out and we get our applications in first. Stupid bastards, put your chequebook to use and buy a motherfucking house. Like you don't already have it sweet enough that you earn five times as much as us but you get all the good houses because of it and we ar stuck living in shit boxes. Wankers.
My work is shit, I bust my arse and they can't even get my pay right. I tell my boss things and he never acts on them and I get guilted for asking for the things I am entitled to ie. being paid correctly and on time, my group certificate. Fair enough running a business can't be easy but I also have a fucking like to manage and they are screwing me around hugely.
I have a boyfriend who can't stop lying to me, the words spit out of his mouth as naturally as he breathes air.
I have a massive urge right now to move back to Toowoomba, get a job with a big company, live with my parents, save money, buy a house. This life is shitting me.
Monday, August 21, 2006
The Apple
We are in love, with a house. We were the first to get our appliction in. The lady said that we would be very unlucky not to get it. This doesn't comfort me.
Fingers crossed.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Upping the Stakes
This house hunting business is shite. There is nothing like we want, where we want for how much we want. Occassionally something pops up but because we both work full time and can't make most week day inspections we miss out. I'm pissed off, this has lead to tears and tantites. We have searched everywhere from Redcliffe to Bray Park to Bowen Hills. Nuttin!
We want a home, we want to nest. I'm the first to admit I am being very picky but c'monnnn, cut us a break. We have decided to up our budget by around $120 more than we are paying now and around $50 more than we are hoping to pay. I think we will manage and I think it will be worth it but I am scared. We are getting an absolute bargain on the Wal and I think our landlord is dying for us to leave so he can jack the rent up. We just have to tough out a couple of more years as renters then hopefuly we can buy a place of our own. I am just so impatient, I will just keep working on my mum to buy us a house. She owns units in Toowomba which my nan and brother live in and I can't help feeling a little rejected. She has informed me that when my Nan dies she will kick out my brother, sell the units and buy us a house. I feel really guilty being excited by this. I don't want my nan to die, I think she should just go into a home. I'm such a loving grand daughter.
James and I set up a joint savings account yesterday. We had one ages ago but it closed down because we stopped putting money in it but this time we are determined. Money will not get the better of me.
It just got busy, i should do some work now. Ciao Homies!
Monday, August 14, 2006
Thursday, August 10, 2006
And then there were five...
One of the crucial, non-negotiable, universal rules of relationships is that everybody gets a list of five celebrities who they may bonk without copping the wrath of their partner. I have always struggled to make my five. I have never really put much though into it. However the other day James completed his list and this spurred me into action. If James has a full list then I need to collect mine. So, here it is (in pictorial format for your viewing pleasure and in no particular order)...

That's a damn hot list if you ask me. Doesn't really take much to figure out the kind of guy I like. Mmmmmmmmmmm.
James's list sucks weiner, I am really disappointed in him and am beginning to question whether I really know him at all. It goes something like this Brodie (ok I'd give him that one), Natalie Portman (borrring), Anna Paquin (she looks like 12), Rachel Bilsen (passable except that he keeps calling her Rachel Bison) and Kiera Knightly (goddamn eat something girl). My chick list would look something like my guy list except they would all have boobs and vaginas.
It has been a hectic week at work, I am exhausted. I have been doing 10/11 hour days without breaks and I am totally hanging out for the weekend. This place is starting to grate on me, it would be ok but I wish I had more support, just a casual to share the work load with or something. I am getting $14 an hour to be embroiderist, customer service, receptionist, accounts person, web designer, eBay manager, cleaner and general lackey and I feel that I am worth a little bit more than that. Right now my pay is almost a fortnight late too and I am still hanging out for my group certificate *grizzle*
On another note we have a new house. I haven't even seen it yet, I am trusting James's judgement and we are signing the lease next weekend. This is it...

It is in Meymot Street. I choose to call it 'the Mot'. Come visit us some time.
Anyhoo, I'm on my way (from misery to happiness today). Peace out! Be cool, stay in school!
Monday, August 07, 2006
Talk furniture to me baby, oh yeahhh
How cool is this...

The house hunting thing sucks. We did all this screwing around with applications to get an early inspection on the Brighton place but now the people living there want an extension on their lease. So rude. It is so hard to get inspections anywhere else. I work all day every day and so does James and we can't get away but everyone is refusing to do inspections evenings or on weekends *grumble*. Foine! If they don't want people with secure full time jobs to rent from them that's fine. Real Estate Agents are some of the biggest weiners I have even dealt with in my life. I just want a new home.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Will you ever do?

My mum has just bought us this uber canvas as an engagement present. Its a Roy Lichtenstein print. I have been lusting over it for a while now and talked her into getting it for us this morning. It is big and huge and will look awesome. I can't wait for it to arrive.
We have spent the entire weekend being housy. Look for new things for our new house that we don't even have yet. Mainly we have been sofa hunting. I think we have been into almost every furniture store in Brisbane this weekend looking for 'the one'. We are still looking but we have ideas. I am excited. I am barracking for this, in black...

along with the maddest red vinyl chair with white piping at this shop in Aspley. We are being so domesticated. Today we bought new towels and a peace lilly. I'm absolutely bursting to find a new place. I hope this house at Brighton comes through but I am doubtful. Oh well, we will see. I'm going to go and clean now and bake cookies. Hasta La Vista.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Where we are at.
In the next month or so we are (hopefuly)... ~ Getting taxes back and paying off debts, making new ones. Cutting up the old Commonwealth visa and making hot sweaty love to the new shiney bit of plastic bestowed upon us by Sir Richard Branson himself.
~ Moving house. To here we think...

I'm quite certain every wall in the house is painted a different colour. It has polished wood floors and a nice deck - these were my criterea for selecting our next house. We put in an advanced application to be able to inspect it early, before the available date. Hopefuly all goes well. We are outgrowing the Wal.
~Buying a new lounge suite, black leather is what I want. Maybe this...

~ Buying a new car because we will be giving the valiant back soon and living at Brighton wont be too crash hot without a vehicle. Maybe this...

But probably not.
~ Having our engagement party. On our new deck. A champagne brunch. Sometime in September. I am going to get my hair cut and wear a dress. I may even wear make up - just like a real girl. My mum and my aunties will all come and make a massive fuss doing everything, it will be great.
I think that's about it for now. Quite an action packed couple of months ahead. I'm excited, I love movement, I love doing things. Financially it seems like we're going to cop a blow but we have a plan to achieve all of these things quite easily. It involves moving money here and that money there paying this with that, lodging this, claiming something, collecting another thing, cancelling that, selling this, signing that and living happily ever after. Piece of cake.
We went to Ikea last weekend - it started my house lust. For a day or so I actually entertained the idea of buy a unit at Nundah, it was an awesome unit. And cheap. My mum was very supportive. She wants me to elope so we don't waste the money on the wedding and invest it insted. What kind of mother is that?
I am getting a cold again. I am going to post my Splendour photos very soon. I know I keep saying that but I mean it. We have a new camera so I am going to post heaps of other photos too. You'll see, you'll all see! MWAHAHAHA. *cough*