There was a little girl, Who had a little curl, Right in the middle of her forehead. When she was good, She was very very good, But when she was bad she was horrid.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Upping the Stakes

This house hunting business is shite. There is nothing like we want, where we want for how much we want. Occassionally something pops up but because we both work full time and can't make most week day inspections we miss out. I'm pissed off, this has lead to tears and tantites. We have searched everywhere from Redcliffe to Bray Park to Bowen Hills. Nuttin!

We want a home, we want to nest. I'm the first to admit I am being very picky but c'monnnn, cut us a break. We have decided to up our budget by around $120 more than we are paying now and around $50 more than we are hoping to pay. I think we will manage and I think it will be worth it but I am scared. We are getting an absolute bargain on the Wal and I think our landlord is dying for us to leave so he can jack the rent up. We just have to tough out a couple of more years as renters then hopefuly we can buy a place of our own. I am just so impatient, I will just keep working on my mum to buy us a house. She owns units in Toowomba which my nan and brother live in and I can't help feeling a little rejected. She has informed me that when my Nan dies she will kick out my brother, sell the units and buy us a house. I feel really guilty being excited by this. I don't want my nan to die, I think she should just go into a home. I'm such a loving grand daughter.

James and I set up a joint savings account yesterday. We had one ages ago but it closed down because we stopped putting money in it but this time we are determined. Money will not get the better of me.

It just got busy, i should do some work now. Ciao Homies!


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