Where we are at.
In the next month or so we are (hopefuly)... ~ Getting taxes back and paying off debts, making new ones. Cutting up the old Commonwealth visa and making hot sweaty love to the new shiney bit of plastic bestowed upon us by Sir Richard Branson himself.
~ Moving house. To here we think...

I'm quite certain every wall in the house is painted a different colour. It has polished wood floors and a nice deck - these were my criterea for selecting our next house. We put in an advanced application to be able to inspect it early, before the available date. Hopefuly all goes well. We are outgrowing the Wal.
~Buying a new lounge suite, black leather is what I want. Maybe this...

~ Buying a new car because we will be giving the valiant back soon and living at Brighton wont be too crash hot without a vehicle. Maybe this...

But probably not.
~ Having our engagement party. On our new deck. A champagne brunch. Sometime in September. I am going to get my hair cut and wear a dress. I may even wear make up - just like a real girl. My mum and my aunties will all come and make a massive fuss doing everything, it will be great.
I think that's about it for now. Quite an action packed couple of months ahead. I'm excited, I love movement, I love doing things. Financially it seems like we're going to cop a blow but we have a plan to achieve all of these things quite easily. It involves moving money here and that money there paying this with that, lodging this, claiming something, collecting another thing, cancelling that, selling this, signing that and living happily ever after. Piece of cake.
We went to Ikea last weekend - it started my house lust. For a day or so I actually entertained the idea of buy a unit at Nundah, it was an awesome unit. And cheap. My mum was very supportive. She wants me to elope so we don't waste the money on the wedding and invest it insted. What kind of mother is that?
I am getting a cold again. I am going to post my Splendour photos very soon. I know I keep saying that but I mean it. We have a new camera so I am going to post heaps of other photos too. You'll see, you'll all see! MWAHAHAHA. *cough*
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