There was a little girl, Who had a little curl, Right in the middle of her forehead. When she was good, She was very very good, But when she was bad she was horrid.

Monday, July 17, 2006


Where does time go? It feels like only hours ago it was Friday arvo and now it's Monday morning and I'm back at work. However, its only a four day week this week so that's ok. We have a big Splendour weekend coming up.

Despite its fleetingness (?) it was a pretty eventful weekend. I caught up with an old friend at Stone's Corner on Saturday for my first Sushi Train experience. I haven't been to Stone's Corner in probably around 5 years but I remember it being a way better shopping experience than it is now. Its hardly even factory outlets anymore - just cheap clothing stores where everything is either crocheted or made from lycra. So we sat and ate sushi and talked about weddings.

After lunch the booga and I headed out to Bray Park for drinks at his friend house. I had a great time, for the first time in quite a while I was able to consume more than 2 drinks without curling up in a ball on the couch and falling asleep. It was Andy's son, Kade's, second birthday a few days ago so we took him and RTD2 My Potato Head thingy - hilarious. He is so cute with his little mullet and his jibberish. I admire that he can repeat the same sentence to me 5 time because I don't understand what he is saying and doesn't even get frustrated. I relaxed my hard and fast stance on ever having kids momentarily on the condition that any children we did have would stay that age and that adoreable forever.

Sunday was a lazy day. I loooooooove lying in bed with James in the morning knowing we don't have to get up for anything. Hugging and kissing and laughing and chatting, back stratching, pimple squeezing, spooning - these are the moments that I just wish we could live in forever.

Our first strawberry ripened on Sunday, delicious. Our tomato plant has so many tomatos growing but none of them are ripening. I'm not quite sure what to do about this. Our capsicum has also hit a wall, it has two little midget purple capsicums on it that wont seem to grow any bigger. I also discovered a secret rose bush I never new we had - it had two gorgeous pink roses on it which I proceeded to pick and put in a vase. Loverly. It was a really beautiful weekend.

I need to make around $720 a day to get any kind of a bonus this month. That is scarey - I don't know if we'll get there but I will try. If anyone needs any embrodiery done drop on by :D


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3:03 AM


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