There was a little girl, Who had a little curl, Right in the middle of her forehead. When she was good, She was very very good, But when she was bad she was horrid.

Friday, July 28, 2006

I never promised you a rose garden.

It's Friday! This means kebabs and sex in the Leebert household tonight. I wish I didn't have to work tomorrow but thems the breaks. I hope it is still rainy on Sunday. I am going to do a roast and spend the day curled up on the couch - sublime.

We slept in front of the TV-alision last night and around 3 this morning there was an ad on for the dodgy country CD collection - fully remastered classics endorsed by Kenny Rogers himself. Since I have woken up I haven't been able to get the songs out of my head, especially that one about making my brown eyes blue, I reckon eating alot of Kablooeys would do that to you.

I really despise work at the moment and am not in a good place. This contract shit is really bothering me and I want to get it sorted. I was fucked around for a long time waiting for it and am not really happy with what I have been presented with. I am asking questions and trying to negotiate with my boss but he is pretty much ignoring me and not being very obliging. I would think being the sole employee of the company I would have some kind of leverage or bargaining power but my boss knows that I am in no real position to quit so I pretty much have to like it or lump it. the alternative I have been offered is continuing on as casual at 40 hours a week. This kind of feels like a step backward after all the screwing around but I think it will probably be financially better for me. I am not sure. My boss tried to pidgeon hole me with 2 options so I have done it straight back to him. We'll see how it pans out. I wish they were more organisd so there just wasn't so much hassle involved. I hate working for a small business.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh my god, i saw the exact same informercial. I was doing a 3am princess feeding. It cracked me up, i was singing along to all the songs. classic stuff :-P

9:16 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!

10:46 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.

7:09 PM


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