Will you ever do?

My mum has just bought us this uber canvas as an engagement present. Its a Roy Lichtenstein print. I have been lusting over it for a while now and talked her into getting it for us this morning. It is big and huge and will look awesome. I can't wait for it to arrive.
We have spent the entire weekend being housy. Look for new things for our new house that we don't even have yet. Mainly we have been sofa hunting. I think we have been into almost every furniture store in Brisbane this weekend looking for 'the one'. We are still looking but we have ideas. I am excited. I am barracking for this, in black...

along with the maddest red vinyl chair with white piping at this shop in Aspley. We are being so domesticated. Today we bought new towels and a peace lilly. I'm absolutely bursting to find a new place. I hope this house at Brighton comes through but I am doubtful. Oh well, we will see. I'm going to go and clean now and bake cookies. Hasta La Vista.
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