Hot Hot Heat
A few houses down the street from us lives a rather adventurous cattle dog we have affectionately come to know as 'Red Dog'. Every morning Red Dog jumps the 8+ foot high fence his owners built in an effort to contain him and takes off down the road towards the dog park to partake in whatever shenanigans he comes across. We've always found this rather amusing, we'd wave to him as he trotted past the house and have a bit of a chuckle...
Red Dog, if you are reading this - STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM MY BABY GIRL!!!

Vegas is on heat and on 3 occassions today we have sprung Red Dog in our back yard. We are at wits end running around like psychopathic parents of a rebellious teenage girl. A few weeks ago we had been at the vet when Vegas got a rather nasty eye infection from an insect bit (on her freaking eyeball!) and we spoke to the vet about getting both the girls desexed. We decided we had to wait because we knew Vegas was going into heat and desexing during this time is really dangerous. Oh how we wish we had looked into this earlier. Our dogs are like children to us, when everyone is sitting around talking about their babies we are talking about our dogs and the crazy things they do. So imagine if you will the stress of knowing there's some fiend out there lurking around your house trying to bunt your daughter.
The first time I sprung Red Dog he was just hanging out and has soon as he saw me he leaped the fence in a single bound and took off. This was promptly followed by me demanding that James "douche the dog", yes - I know this probably wouldn't work but what was I to do? Then this afternoon I sprung him again. This time him and Vegas were bum to bum like they were glued together. Now, I'm a little naive in the ways of the animal kingdom - I thought dogs only did it 'doggy style' and that was it. I couldn't figure out why Red Dog wouldn't scram when I shouted at him until James (who has watched more than his fair share of the discoverr channel) promptly informed me they were doing 'it' while rushing down the stairs with flailing arms. OMIFUCKINGGOD, I'm too young to be a Grandma. This was followed by me breaking into tears and talking about how my fragile heart couldn't bare to see Vegas have a litter or pups and then have to give them away. My poor little girl. This was also mixed with a feeling of sorrow for Bowie who had to witness this horrible violation of her sister in our own back yard. What kind of man can get a load away with a loon like Bowie running circles around him barking - Red Dog can.
My ears have now become finely tuned to the noises of the backyard, I'm ready to pounce at the first bark or unusual sound. So when I head the crackling of leaves underfoot I knew something was awry for there are no dry leaves in the backyard only in the front so I was at the window in time to witness Red Dog whispering sweet nothings to my baby girl through the fence. What to do? Our dogs are now locked up on the front deck for the night, which they don't mind though it might cause a drama when they need to use the toilet. James and I have been running around like absolute nutters putting up barriers and sprinkling pepper all over the ground. There was even a suggestions we should smother Vegas' lady bits with Tabasco sauce - it's what doctor Harry would do.
This is a nightmare. We're doing what we can but I'm taking preorders for Cattle Dog/Bull Arab puppies. God help me!

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