There was a little girl, Who had a little curl, Right in the middle of her forehead. When she was good, She was very very good, But when she was bad she was horrid.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Untitled one point oh

Everything in life is defeating me at the moment and I am so over it. We can't find a house unless it is the size of a matchbox with mildew covering every wall. We can't get the more expensive place because the cocksmokers who earn $1000 a week are getting priority on those even through we can easily pay for them, our references check out and we get our applications in first. Stupid bastards, put your chequebook to use and buy a motherfucking house. Like you don't already have it sweet enough that you earn five times as much as us but you get all the good houses because of it and we ar stuck living in shit boxes. Wankers.

My work is shit, I bust my arse and they can't even get my pay right. I tell my boss things and he never acts on them and I get guilted for asking for the things I am entitled to ie. being paid correctly and on time, my group certificate. Fair enough running a business can't be easy but I also have a fucking like to manage and they are screwing me around hugely.

I have a boyfriend who can't stop lying to me, the words spit out of his mouth as naturally as he breathes air.

I have a massive urge right now to move back to Toowoomba, get a job with a big company, live with my parents, save money, buy a house. This life is shitting me.


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