There was a little girl, Who had a little curl, Right in the middle of her forehead. When she was good, She was very very good, But when she was bad she was horrid.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Mouse Hand

Thinking::It's been a while since I blogged.

Freezing::My tatas off.

Suffering::From 'mouse hand'.

Knitting::A scarf for James

Wanting::A Grotto


Pondering::If it pedestrians should need licenses to walk, especially in crowds, supermarkets and on escalators.

Needing::A sewing machine and a graphics tablet. And a bigger house.


Watching::Through windows.

Wondering::If I'm ok.

Cleaning::The house, soon.

Walking::To the shop to get make bread to make my bitch lunch.

Drawing::Alot, a new found hobby.

Going::Full time, next week.

Contemplating::My business plan.


Also Wanting::Tattoos. And money.

Fearing::Death. My own and others. Mainly others. So many people die unexpectedly each day, what makes us so lucky.

Dreaming::So much I wake up exhausted.

Missing::Opportunities. And Friends.

Hating::My inability to convert motivation to action.

Lusting::Over rock stars.

Addicted to::Playboy Mansion.

Annoyed by::Being talked down to and treated like a child.

Cutting::My hair, last week. Very Betty Page.

Terrorising::Anyone who will let me.

Thanking::Whoever is reposible for the great things I have in my life. Are you there God? it's me, Margaret.

Begging::My dad for a piece of the moolah. So greedy.

Looking::Forward to getting tax back and being out of debt.

Getting::A phantom skull ring! RAGH!

Shaking::A baby now, shaking a baby! Twist and shout. Perhaps my best (and worst) mondegreen.






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