You know you are getting old when...
... you spend the better part of your Saturday night sober, alphabetising your CD collection.
I'm tired an moody today. I had to work Saturday so I only got a one day weekend, that never agrees with me. I jusst have to keep reminidng myself of the money.
Last night we had James's family (now including gorgeous Caitlin) over for dinner. I am a salad ninja. I had a really good night and our little itty bitty house held the crowd alot better given our recent furniture rearrangment. Very happy. I finally gave way to my horrible fear of dropping Caitlin and had a hold. She is so tiny and beautiful. James went about giving her first lesson in making guitar cords and I introduced her to uncle Iggy who was playing on the TV. Too cute.
It was also our 2 year anniversary yesterday, though it has temporarily been postponed till next weekend when we will be wealthier. We are going to go get tattoos and go the Jade Buddha on Sunday. I am looking forward to it. I love James so much. I wont go on about it except to say that I am so lucky to have him. He makes my heart smile to the point where I think it is going to explode. I can and will never ever have anyone else in my life like him, he is my everything and always will be. D'awwwwww. I love you Boog. I made this picture only a few months after we started going out...

I think this week is going to be a milestone week, lots of stuff is eventuating, I will keep ya'll posted (if you are lucky). Ragh.
PS. A lady just brought in a horse blanket to have embroidered. It was covered in what I assume (and hope) was horse hair and now I am all sneezy and sniffly and my eyes are itchy. I am very very grumpy. But in love so its ok. But still grumpy.
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