There was a little girl, Who had a little curl, Right in the middle of her forehead. When she was good, She was very very good, But when she was bad she was horrid.

Friday, June 30, 2006

I have never met a ninja I didn't like.

This has been my first month working full time and I have slaughtered our monthly target by almost 2 grand.

On another note, I don't get PMT anymore. James gets it insted. This is awesome but its a bugger listeing to him whinge and dodge his moods. He also gets breakouts, I never got those in the first place so its pretty funny to witness. I still get the cramps, that bites - I will not rest until they are James's as well.

I have a pimple on my arm right now. On my tattoo, right on her nose - that is funny. I want to squeeze it but i don't want to bugger it so I just have to let it fester. Shee has all scabbed and now it is peeling, soon she will be gorgeous.

It is Friday, that means tomorrow is Saturday and that's pretty gosh darned exciting.

I have a crush. On my boyfriend. It is huge. I am such a groupie. I wish I could play hard to get or act all cool and nonchelant. But I can't. He melts me. I am going to marry him.

Thursday, June 29, 2006


The world has changed because you are made of ivory and gold,
The curves of your lips rewrite history.

I have this in my head, I think it is Oscar Wilde.



Even worse than getting a song stuck in your head is getting a word stuck there. You need to use it at least 20 times in sentences before it leaves. When it is a word like 'gorgonzola' you're pretty much screwed.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Army Of Me

Courtesy of Cathy @ Wild at Heart. She will look heaps hotter once she has peeled and stuff. Will post more then. It took three hours in the chair and has been hurting alot more compared to my others, probably because it has been the one which has involved the most time and work. My arm has been really swollen and I have had the most grief sleeping and wearing jumpers, sucks because its really really cold.

This is the last tat before I get hitched (this is what I say now anyways) except for maybe a portrait of James on my left butt cheek, when I get old and saggy so too will he - a tattoo that truely works with time :D

I was joking then too btw.

No really I was.


Sunday, June 25, 2006

Start spreading the news...

Friday, June 23, 2006

Thursday, June 22, 2006

...must be funny...

My bank balance has seven figures. Albeit one of them is a full stop and two of them are in the cents column but it is seven figures all the same and I am proud.

Stuff is happening, things are exciting. I might blog later but in the mean time I think I will just let the grape vine take its course and enjoy my happy little world.

Question of the week:
Who rocks out more :: Ninja's or Pirates?

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Rat Race

I find it so amusing to watch my mother - the corporate country nubbin, trying to navigate her way through the suit and tie massacre that is inner city Brisbane at 8:30 in the morning. She does not stand to the left on escalators, I nudge her, she will learn.

On another note, I spent $20 on light bulbs this morning. Halogen dichroic gu10 WTF!?

Monday, June 19, 2006

I just got a paper cut...

... but that is okay because life is effin awesome, still. Nobody can stop the music.

I am saving money like a fiend, I finally figured it out and its great. I have not gone full time yet in a move on my part to be considerate to my work mate though he is not really embracing the opportunity. No skin off my nose however, I am working full time hours (42.5 a week) at a casual rate. I will be officially be full time at the start of the new financial year.

We have to move out of our house soon because they are redeveloping it as parkland or something like that. We don't really mind because we want to move somewhere bigger anyways. This will happen after Splendour.

My Marmy is coming to Brisbane for a conference today so she will be staying with us for two nights. I always loves this because sh spends lots of money on us, so spoilt. I wont let her know how well I have been saving so we still look poor and she feels sorry for us. Hehehe. Tato's parents are coming over for dinner tomorrow night. I think we are making strog. I am going to make apple pie for dessert because I have become a pie ninja!

I am getting new tattoos this weekend. I am so excited. I am changing studios to Wild At Heart in the city I think this move will work out.

We have three tomatoes growing in our garden. They should be ready for eating by the weekend. We have 2 capsisums growing but ni think they might drop off before they get ripe. We have a single flower on our strawberry plant. James's shallots are doing great, the rocket is taking off (haha) and the sweet basil has hit a wall. I can't wait to move house to plant more plants. We have a huge agave at home. I am going to shop it out and sell it on eBay before we leave.

My boyfriend is really hot. I wish he was more modest so he appreciated me telling him this. All I do is feed his ego and I fear he will try and take over the world, but only if it doesn't involve getting off the couch.

Other stuff is going on, things are very exciting. More to come later, for now I should do some work. I have been meaning to post a photo blog but camera is a weiner so you will just have to wait.

Peace Out.

P.S. I want to be a rock star.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Life is Peachey...

How many billion people are there in the world? What of the odds of two people who are meant to be together forever finding each other?

I feel very lucky. I feel lucky to have found my other half and I feel lucky that I have been able to do it without too much heartbreak along the way. I always use to wonder why things in my life never worked out, why things always turned to shit. I realise now that all my luck was just saving up to bring me you and it was worth it.

It has also been worth all the shit we have been through together. At the time it seemed like torture but it was just something I think we had to go through in order to come out the other side a billion times stronger. We are a unit.

As a little girl I would picture the guy I would fall in love with, and spend the rest of my life with, my soul mate if you want to call it that. I would imagine what it would be like and what it would feel like but I could never ever have dreamt of this. The reality is a billion times better because not only are you my bestest boy, you are my bestest friend.

Some times I amazed at just how perfectly we click, its insane. We are identical and different in all the right ways. Whilst neither of us might be perfect we are perfect for each other and that is the most important thing.

I feel like the last 6 months of our lives have brought me to some kind of inner peace or understanding or something. That sounds so silly but I can't explain it. I'm not quite sure what it is but I finally get it. I've finally fallen into sync with the world. I have developed some kind of understanding of myself and of human nature that I have never really looked into before and that I don't think I would have uncovered without the experiences I have had. I think one of the difinitive things I have come to understand is that you can't possibly understand anything (or anyone) thus the only thing we can do is try and be as open minded and non-judgemental in life as possible. Nothing good comes from being nasty without cause and even if there is cause understanding that we don't understand is important. This sounds like completely meaninless, random, crap but I know what I mean by it and its a lesson I am very proud to have learnt.

This started out a soppy love letter and has turned into rambling so I think I might end it here before it goes any further down hill :p Life is peachy, things are really pulling together.Whilst I may whinge about crap that happens or the things that I want blah blah blah that all means shite when I look at what I have and how lucky I am to have it. I am the happiest I have ever been in my life and I just wanted to say thankyou. I don't hide my affections, you know how I feel, I tell you all the time but I just had to say it again because sometimes shouting it out feels like the only thing I can do to stop my heart exploding.

I love you.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Everybody's Doing A Brand New Dance Now!

^^This is my logo^^
Live It. Learn It. Love It.

Friday, June 02, 2006


I had a post before this post. It was up for a day, it was a big whining rant about how much I hate money, or the lack of it as James so kindly pointed out. If you were unfortunate enough to stumble upon it I apologise. I was in a really bad mood and money has been stressing me out lately. It still is stressing me out but I have decided that insted of complaining about my situation it is time to be proactive and make the moves to fix it.

Next week I am going full time, this is a great opportunity. A) It means somekind of stability. B) My boss is great and has structured it in a manner which means how much money I can potentially earn somes down to me and how much I push the shop. He has also expanded the store onto eBay which I am going to ninja kick in the balls so hard, I can flog everything on there. He has set out monthly targets that I need to make. I get bonuses for going over these which I can and will each and every month so there! I initially thought this was a dead end job with no place really to go but I was also filled in on the captain's plans for expanding the business which are quite exciting and as pretty much the main employee at the moment, if the business is to go in the direction he plans I could potentially be quite sorted.

I am also starting my own business. the most exciting part. I have heaps of ideas for it at the moment so I need to lay them all out and gradually expand. It's going to include sourcing, repairing and jazzing up vintage clothing as well as making cool rockabilly and punk accessories. Bows, jewellery, ties, pasties, guitar straps, everything. I also plan to set up my screen printing contraption and start do rad, retro tees. To go along with this I am going to design and build my own rockabilly/punk embroidery collection which I can use for designs on my clothes as well as sell packaged to other ermbroiderers for apparently quite decent sums of money. At the moment I plan to start out on eBay and then start going to the markets and pedalling my wares. Eventually oneday maybe I'll have my own actual shop :D That's the dream. I have even more plans to go hand in hand with this but I think I have already given too much away, don't want you fiends stealing my ideas.

All I need to complete this plan is a home with enough room for all my shit, a sewing machine and a wacom tablet. I am working on these.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Mouse Hand

Thinking::It's been a while since I blogged.

Freezing::My tatas off.

Suffering::From 'mouse hand'.

Knitting::A scarf for James

Wanting::A Grotto


Pondering::If it pedestrians should need licenses to walk, especially in crowds, supermarkets and on escalators.

Needing::A sewing machine and a graphics tablet. And a bigger house.


Watching::Through windows.

Wondering::If I'm ok.

Cleaning::The house, soon.

Walking::To the shop to get make bread to make my bitch lunch.

Drawing::Alot, a new found hobby.

Going::Full time, next week.

Contemplating::My business plan.


Also Wanting::Tattoos. And money.

Fearing::Death. My own and others. Mainly others. So many people die unexpectedly each day, what makes us so lucky.

Dreaming::So much I wake up exhausted.

Missing::Opportunities. And Friends.

Hating::My inability to convert motivation to action.

Lusting::Over rock stars.

Addicted to::Playboy Mansion.

Annoyed by::Being talked down to and treated like a child.

Cutting::My hair, last week. Very Betty Page.

Terrorising::Anyone who will let me.

Thanking::Whoever is reposible for the great things I have in my life. Are you there God? it's me, Margaret.

Begging::My dad for a piece of the moolah. So greedy.

Looking::Forward to getting tax back and being out of debt.

Getting::A phantom skull ring! RAGH!

Shaking::A baby now, shaking a baby! Twist and shout. Perhaps my best (and worst) mondegreen.



