There was a little girl, Who had a little curl, Right in the middle of her forehead. When she was good, She was very very good, But when she was bad she was horrid.

Monday, May 22, 2006

You know you are getting old when...

... you spend the better part of your Saturday night sober, alphabetising your CD collection.

I'm tired an moody today. I had to work Saturday so I only got a one day weekend, that never agrees with me. I jusst have to keep reminidng myself of the money.

Last night we had James's family (now including gorgeous Caitlin) over for dinner. I am a salad ninja. I had a really good night and our little itty bitty house held the crowd alot better given our recent furniture rearrangment. Very happy. I finally gave way to my horrible fear of dropping Caitlin and had a hold. She is so tiny and beautiful. James went about giving her first lesson in making guitar cords and I introduced her to uncle Iggy who was playing on the TV. Too cute.

It was also our 2 year anniversary yesterday, though it has temporarily been postponed till next weekend when we will be wealthier. We are going to go get tattoos and go the Jade Buddha on Sunday. I am looking forward to it. I love James so much. I wont go on about it except to say that I am so lucky to have him. He makes my heart smile to the point where I think it is going to explode. I can and will never ever have anyone else in my life like him, he is my everything and always will be. D'awwwwww. I love you Boog. I made this picture only a few months after we started going out...

I think this week is going to be a milestone week, lots of stuff is eventuating, I will keep ya'll posted (if you are lucky). Ragh.

PS. A lady just brought in a horse blanket to have embroidered. It was covered in what I assume (and hope) was horse hair and now I am all sneezy and sniffly and my eyes are itchy. I am very very grumpy. But in love so its ok. But still grumpy.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Babies & All That Jazz...

So much stuff has been happening since my last post if I were to blog it all I think it would bring the entire inteweb down so I will just paraphrase.

James's sister finally had a gorgeous little baby girl making James a first time Aunt. We hung around the hospital for most of Saturday on official coffee and snack retrieval duty, catching up on some much needed tabloid reading in the waiting room for the better part of 9 hours. At 9:11 beautiful little Caitlin Jade was born :: yay! Generally being around baby's makes me clucky, they're just so gosh darned cute however witnessing a mere 5 minutes of what was a 12+ hour labour on Saturday only reinforced my decision to import future children from Cambodia. Mothers farking rock! I don't know how many women have such amazing strength to go through something like that!

I likened it to a roller coaster ride. Going up that first huge ramp is kind of exciting and you know its going to be a thrilling ride but always towards the top I completely shit myself wanting to get off and hating my bastard boyfriend for convincing me to get on in the first place. Its too late to get off however and the only way to get to the end is to go through it. EEEEEP! So you do. And it is scarey. And horrible. But always in the end it is 100% worth it. And then you want to do it again. Madness. I like my analogy.

We spent Sunday in the Woomb for Mothers Day. We arrived at 12:30pm on Saturday night, ninjas! Considering my new perception of motherhood from the day before I had a really great time with my family. Particularly my Mum and my Aunts. My Mum and my sisters are very close, they all live within 5 minutes drive of each other and as crazy as they are are three of them most loving, caring and giving people in the world. They are like the Ya Ya Sisterhood or something. I am a very lucky girl though I think James is terrified that when I get older I am going to become exactly like them, I don't think that is such a bad thing.

Splendour tickets went on sale yesterday. Tato was a trooper, spending 4 hours straight continuously trying to get through on their shitty internet booking system. I tried continously for 1 hour to get through on the phone. At last we got our tickets. We didn't get camping tickets though. WE had intended to book into the camp ground accross the road where we stayed last year. Once we secured our tickets I rang up to book but they were all filled up as was almost every other single camp ground in town. REDICULOUS! I was irate and ready to refund my ticket only a few hours after buying it. We eventually got a booking at the Art Factory
which looks great.

I am still peeved that they have expanded the festival to accommodate several thousands more this year yet the town itself cannot support that many people!! To me Byron Bay (& Splendour) is about that laid back hippie attitude, relaxing, love, peace, harmony, whatever. I was sucked in bad. Splendour is just the same corporate money making bullshit that you find everywhere. They are infact exploiting the 70's hippie ideal to make money and I really resent that. In the late 60's/early 70's festivals were being gate crashed by thousands of protestors all demanding they should be free and music belonged to noone. Promoters were left with no choice but to bring down barriers and let hundreds of thousands of happy hippies listen to the likes of Jimi Hendrix, Cream, Janis Joplin, the Rolling Stones, Santana, The Who, Dylan and Jefferson Airplane for free. I do not support the idea that music should be free, I believe musicians need to be rewarded for their hard work. I do, however, think this would be an amazingly ironic and perfect twist to execute on the corporate arseholes filling their pockets from Splendour.

If I stood by my morals I would make a personal boycott, I really want to go though. I guess this just makes me as bad as them. Oh well.

At the moment I am carving out stancils for another spectacular Nicole Lee original to hang on the wall. My blades are blunt and the card is too think so my fingers are really sore. I will post a picute of my piece when it is done.

I really want to get some more tattoos. Maybe next weekend. We'll see.

Peace Out Homies!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


During one of Jimi Hendrix's tours of the U.S. he started to keep a journal, when nothing particularly interesting was happening he would simply write S.O.S meaning 'Same Old Shit'.


James hassled me today because I hadn't blogged for a bit. I don't see why he cares, he has to listen to me winge at home all the time :p

The weekend was nice. One of those productive weekends where you get right into it at 6am in the morning and the ti
me goes nice and slowly. We did some gardening on Sunday afternoon. I have been out of home for five years now but have only ever lived in utes so have never really gardened apart for planting some various 'erbs (the legal kind) in pots. We ploughed up one of the gardens running down the side of the house and planted some Tomatoes and Purple Capsicum, did you know you can get purple capsicum? I also planted some strawberries in a big pot, delish. I also found a wasps nest and a dead bird in the garden. Eventful.

On a different note I unintentionally railroaded my boss into offering me a full time job. Exciting stuff. We still have to negotiate the details. I am afraid of this, I am a push over and I worry that he will rail road me right back and have me working for half as much as I'm on now. No deal McCucheon. I might get my mum to act as my laywer, she
is shrewd. This puts an interesting twist on my travel plans. If I go on full time it is something I really want to make a go of so I wont be abandonning it a year down the track to go around Australia. I have business plans that compliment my work that I think I will make a go of insted. I change my mind all the time and never follow thorugh on anything, this frustrates me. 2006 is my year to get it sorted so we'll see.

I'm going to Toowoomba this weekend. I am stoked. I miss my family heaps. I still have to get my Mum and Nan Mother's Day presents but I bought my dad a Suzi Quatro CD. He loves her.
Well your mama don't know where your sister done go
She goes down to the Drive. She's the start of the show
Let her move on up. Let her come let her go.
She can jive
Down in Devil Gate Drive

"Come on, boys. Let's do it one more time for Suzi!
Are you ready,

Come alive. Come alive Yeah!

Thursday, May 04, 2006


James hooked me up with this site . Tres Cool. You can design your own custom guitars, bazillions of different options to chose from. Here are a couple of the beauties I have made...

Jack White has already contacted me to purchase the Les Paul shaped one, har. I like the first one because when the fans get rowdy I can alway use the pointy bit as a weapon. Just for good measure here are some of James's, they're pretty boring though. Zzzzzzz.

I rock out. Have I mentioned this one time...


Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Ghost Town

The Myer Centre is dead today. I think I have served three people all day. I am tired and bored. I have been working on some designs that I am going to digitise for embroidery and make a collection which I will then sell to other companies for squillions of dollars. They are all kind of cool punk/alternative/rockabilly designs. Here is one of them...

I really want to go home now. I have the day off tomorrow. The house is clean so I have the day to do not much at all. I plan to wash the Valiant and apply for some jobs. Maybe blog, fart, eat and watch some TV also.


Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Shits and Giggles...

I was bored so I got to pondering what James's and my offspring would look like. This is what I came up with...

Don't worry, we are not having babies, ever. When we are ready we will import a container full from Cambodia. Until then we will delight in corrupting other people's children that we will hand back dirty and full of red cordial.