There was a little girl, Who had a little curl, Right in the middle of her forehead. When she was good, She was very very good, But when she was bad she was horrid.

Monday, October 30, 2006

A horse is a horse of course of course...

Only 2 sleeps!! Woop.

I beat James in our Aria tipping competition last night. He is now my manslave forever, wait, he already was. I pipped james at the post by picking Claire Bowditch and Bernald, yey. Here's that picture of James and Bernie at Splendour again, just because I think it is funny...

I have to go out to Chermside for a bit of training again tonight. This will be about the 4th time I have walked home from Chermside in the past 2 weeks.

We cleaned the house from corner to corner on the weekend so we only have to do a quick once over when we move out.

I have also picked up the guitar to start learning again. The frustrating thing is that James broke my guitar so I am using his and everytime I get the inspiration to practice James then decides he wants to play too so he takes the guitar off me.

I'm off to work now, only 4 day left. Can't wait.

Peace Out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i hate your new job coz u r never online...


2:48 PM


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