There was a little girl, Who had a little curl, Right in the middle of her forehead. When she was good, She was very very good, But when she was bad she was horrid.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Too cool for school.

I never blog anymore. I find I have to much to write so its easiest just to write nothing at all. Here is a couple of points of note.
  • James and I have officially bought a house. Settlement date is the 1st of November at which stage we plan to reef up the carpets, polish the floor boards, paint the walls and move in.
  • We have found a location for our wedding ceremony. It will be an evening ceremony in the Rainforest Hideaway at the Botanic Gardens.
  • I'm tired and I hate my job but that's nothing new. 1 day does not a weekend make.
  • We have no car anymore.
  • The weather has been amazing, I love springtime. Yesterday was a scorcher, I didn't want to go to work. It was frolicking weather.
  • My mum has bought me a sewing machine for my birthday, yey!
  • I bought workout gear the other day, hehe, James and I are going to start buffing up. We just can't find any shoes. We went to go walking last night but i had packed away our old joggers for the move so insted we sat on the couch and ate toast.
  • I bought a washing machine. No more Speed Queen.
  • On the weekend we made pasta from scratch ie. flour, eggs etc. this was fun.
  • My work has relocated, about 3 metres away but it feel like a whole new planet. Very exciting.
  • I have a pimple in my left nostil. It came to a head today after 3 days of agony. It is massive and hard and green and painful.
  • I am getting wrinkles. James is getting grey hairs. So old.
  • I just bought some chilli seeds on eBay. Apparently th is what they grow to look like (no joke, i wouldn't have bought them if they didn't) ...
That's all for now my little pork cutlets. Peace out, be good to your mother.

Sunday, September 17, 2006


Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Less Home More Groan

Buying a house is drama. I am stressed. I am not confident that we are going to get approved for this loan, not confident at all. We were meant to know on monday but the bank are cocksmokers, asking for things like the piece of toilet paper James wiped his arse with on the night of January twelfth 1996.

If this falls through we cannot rent and we cannot buy. I refuse to fill out another application of any sort. The disappointment has been going on for months now and its not something I can endure much more of. Its making me really unhappy, I hate limbo, I hate living in a house surrounded by cardboard boxes. I want to move back to Toowoomba. Things aren't this hard there. I miss my friends, I miss my family, I miss living in a smaller town where you are more than just an insignificant speckle on its big stinky arse. Lately Brisbane has been defeating me on a daily basis. The only thing I have is James, and yeah - he makes it all worth while but aside from that the sparkling lights of the big smoke are starting to fade for me. I want to go home.

Monday, September 04, 2006


we bought a house almost. it is under contract subject to finance. very exciting but i have my doubts as to whether the money will come through so i'm not going to talk about it. will let ya'll know in fourteen days.

i'm off to work now. peace out.

Friday, September 01, 2006

i heart tax time

My bank account has never looked so happy.