There was a little girl, Who had a little curl, Right in the middle of her forehead. When she was good, She was very very good, But when she was bad she was horrid.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I'm going to do a diploma of photography - yay for me! I'm very excited.

Oh and there is only four weeks until we fly out! We're spending 3 nights in San Francisco and 6 nights in fabulous Las Vegas. I can't wait! You can tell I'm stoked because I'm using lots of exclamation! marks!

We sold 5 of our puppies last night. It was really sad to see them go. I was a bit stressed out, I hope they are looked after well. During the night all the other puppies and their Mama cryed alot. I had an aweful nightmare that the couple who took 4 of the puppies for their pet shop acually took them home with them where their other dogs mauled them. I had to rescue them all. It was horrible. They are such vulnerable, gorgeous little things. They deserved to be loved.

On a happy note our kitchen is pretty much finished but I will post on that with pictures later. In the mean time here are some pics to melt your cold, cold heart...