Well, this is my first ever post, how exciting. Actually, it's not my first, there was one before but I deleted it, mwahahaha. In a perfect world I would love my 'first ever' post to be something deep, insightful, amusing, interesting... However, this isn't a perfect world and I am boring so instead of some witty intriguing spiel I'm going to tell you about my weekend, which to me was fantabulous but to you will seem mundane if you even bother to read it :p
Captain Tato and I have recently decided to become camping ninjas. Captain Tato being my boy wonder, I have noticed that most bloggers use quirky little nicknames for their partners when they write, so I thought I'd follow in suit. I assume most people do this to retain some kind of anonymity, but I don't give a feck about that, I just don't want to be left out. Anonymity can kiss my b*hind, I want the fame, I want the glory. My name is Nicole, Captain Tato's name is James and this is us...

We are deliriously happy, madly in love and crazy for cheese. Blah Blah Blah, enough about that, I'm sure I will have more to say about him later. Back to the camping ninja-ness. We have become camping ninjas. I think it may have been brought on by the sudden onslaught of camping catalogues gracing our letter box at the moment :: Tentworld, Anaconda, BCF, A-Mart :: where does it end? A couple of weeks ago we bought a swish new tent that looks something like this...

It's Captain Tato's birthday next week so we are planning to go camping over the Easter long weekend. We're hoping to go DI or somewhere equally as exciting but thought we should test run the tent somewhere nearby just incase there are parts missing or something. Yes, sometimes Nicole gets slightly paranoid and yes, I know we could have just put it up in the back yard but where is the fun in that eh? So anyhoo, we loaded up the valiant and headed up to Bribie. I could give you a blow by blow account of the weekend, but I wont bore you so here is a general overview :: uber tent, half a kilo of prawns, carton of beer, bottle of vodka, freezing cold swimming pool, beach sunset (sort of), very drunk, strip poker, fill in the gaps, sleep time, 5:30 wake up, bbq breakfast, some more fill in the gaps, some more freezing cold pool, pack up, fishing, 2 whiting and a killer bream, sunburn, home sweet home, fish pie.
I must say, I had a great time and my fish pie was perfect :D And I am not being dirty for all you grotty people with sick minds out there. I made an actual fish pie, I'm the first to admit that I am no wizz and something always goes wrong when I try and cook but this fish pie was bellissimo, right down to the pastry fish shape on top. Fish pie for everyone.
It was really ncie to have a weekend away, it was kind of the end of another era in our lives. Captain Tato was made redundant from his job a little while ago for the past could of months it has been long weekends, partying and general spending of the redundancy check. However he started a new job yesterday so its back into the daily routine. The break actually did awesome things for our relationship, we were on rocky ground not too long ago but just being able to spend time together, doing fun stuff, hanging out and having adventures was awesome. Now we are back happier and stronger than ever, I'm glad to say we are perfect right now, yey!
Now hopefully we can forge ahead into this new time and do some cool shit. Everyone around is doing huge things at the moment :: traveling, having babies, buying houses. I don't think anything this epic is on the cards for us in '06 but I'm ready and willing to make some big moves to get my/our lives on track. Heeeeeeeeeeeeyar *ninja kicks life in the balls*.
P.S. Did you know that neither BBQ or Prawns are in the blogspot spell check dictionary thing? C U T.