Oh Lordy...
Move aside DaVinci, watch out Edison - there is a new inventor after my own heart. Some brilliant, amazing, wonderful man/woman somewhere has invented something that will revolutionise the way we renovate our homes - MDF skirting boards! I am in skirting board heaven :) These f*^kers come primed and ready to go and cost a teeny weeny $4.50 for a 3m length. Previously you could only get the pine ones which cost over $20 for 3m thus we had put skirting boards on the 'after the wedding' back burner (along with the kitchen/bathroom/yard etcetera etcetera). Now we can do the entire house for about the same price as it previously would have cost to do just the living room. I realise these may have been around for quite a while now but they are new to bunnings so they are new to me. I also know that they are not as super duper resilliant and long-lasting as the pine ones but I am still elated so do not burst my bubble.
Finding these has just delighted me so much I have felt compelled to dedicate an entire blog to it.
MDF skirting boards - we bow down before you.

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