100 sit-ups!!!!!
That's right, you heard me. 100 hundred sit-ups! That is what I have done two nights in a row now! Please forgive my excessive use of exclamation marks but I'm excited! (Bless you Big Kev.)
All of you fitness nazis out there are probably laughing at me because to you 100 sit-ups is fark all but to me it is a big achievement. Especially to do them 2 nights in a row. Captain Tato and I also went swimming last night. I did 30 laps which is also a pretty big achievement considering my current fitness level (or lack thereof). Back in the day I used to easily do well over a km every session but then I fell in love and got lazy. I had no idea just how unfit I had gotten until I started trying to exercise again. So 30 laps to me is huuuge. We went swimming last week and did 20 laps, today I said we would push it up and do 25. James was a big sissy girl and bailed at 20 (and only 50 sit-ups) and I ended up doing 30 laps . We are going swimming again tonight. I might try and pump out 40, yey!
The reason for this sudden fitness kick (besides the fact that I''m sick of my belly needing its own zip code) is that I plan to fit into this top...

By this date...

When we go to see this show...

YEAH! I'm so excited! Its going to be a thrilling evening of titties, tequila and anything else debaucherous you can think of that starts with 't'.
So I just have to lose a few inches from around my hips to fit into said top. At the moment it fits me standing up but when I sit down there are issues. My current diet consists of chewing gum, coke zero and water all day with salad for dinner. Before you start lecturing me on how unhealthy that is 'STOP!' you don't need to, I have a boyfriend to do that. Some Sunday (after a night of hot top wearing) I shall launch straight into some kind of healthy eating regime but until then this is the only tried and true method of losing 5+ kg in a week. RAGH!
So its swimming again tonight (this is getting expensive) and I think I might push for 150 sit-ups when we get home :D Wish me luck. Shall post pictures of hot top fitting me next week! Yeah!
P.S. The spell check on here is the worst. As I mentioned in a previous post it does not recognise prawns or BBQ!! Today it doesn't recognize titties! This is what is wrong with the world people. exclamation mark. exclamation mark. exclamation mark.
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